Friday, 27 September 2019

Our carryover life

My inner mind knows I can’t make everything I wand or desire happen for me or for anyone else.  Moreover, I see some truth in the saying:  “luck and wisdom go hand-on-hand”.  How else can we describe thousands of unexplainable incidences happening everywhere in this world? 

As much as I like to believe that luck is made with hard work and good attitude, there are the evidences that mental capacity of every normal baby is the same, but some of them know exactly who they want to become when they grow up, but others never can figure out. Why some of them seek others advice, while others hate to be told what to do? We’ve seen these phenomena among the children born and raised by the same parents in the  exact same environment.

There are so many why’s I can think of, but can’t explain. So, I know it’s not me to make my fate or anyone else. Still I worry sometime and lose several nights’ sleep.  This is life. In life we need to work, worry sometime and engage in good/bad karma to carryover to our next life.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Power of thoughts

Please don’t  remind me of my past 
Instead, tell me what I can do to change my tomorrow
Let me be pure soul, peaceful and full of love
Love me and show me that you care
Tell me that everything will be alright, again
Instead of telling me that everything is bad because of me!

Remind me that people are capable of changing
Remind me that people are capable of loving
Send me the positive vibration now and then, reminding me that
Good things are coming!

Don’t be hurt and prevent others from hurting me 
Send me the good vibration and I’ll send you mine
By accepting the way we’re,
Let’s change our destiny 
By changing some of our bad sanskars with the good ones
By doing all this, you’re creating your destiny, and 
I’m creating mine!

Feeling myself again

After going through a full circle of sadness, I’ve come back to myself now 
It’s hard to express how I felt all these years
Living with no hope and sadness everywhere
Then, I realized I can’t change my  past 
But I can my future if I try!

I’m reading a lot of literatures these days
Some are academic and lot are spiritual
They’ve given me some hope to change my future
Solving my problems are within my power
One-by-one I can make things right,
if I hold my thoughts and look at the bright side.

I started changing my thoughts, like the bulb I replaced today
The hallway was dark when we moved into its way
And remained the darkness for the last 25 days
Today I decided to replace the burnout bulb with the new one
It’s done now, no more darkness in our hallway!

Today I fixed the patio screen door in our balcony
It was off the track for the last few days
It came off the track when my husband tried opening it wider
He tried putting back the screen door, but couldn’t find a way
Today I decided to fix it, but I couldn’t the first three times
I pushed the door a little inside and put it back on its position
I did it with my persistence efforts and determination!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Our consciousness survives bodily death

Our consciousness is not created by our mind or made out of the physical materials, says Dr. Alexander, the American neurosurgeon and author.

I always believed there is a spirit-world that no sciences so far are able to explain. In fact, I had expressed my belief on these issues in my book “Longing to Belong: An Immigrant Woman’s Story”. The spirit texts are under the title, My Mother’s Visit.

Here is a piece on that topic in my book that I so passionately wrote: “…my attitude towards living and dying has changed after my mother’s death... In those early days of my mother’s passing I used to read a lot of “psychic connection” books. One of them was “Making the Psychic Connection,” by James Van Praagh. This book made me believe that I could actually connect with my mother’s spirit and talk with her if I developed certain psychic skills.

Dev and I used to discuss “spirit” things a lot in those days. He used to tell me, “If the spirits of all the deceased existed, where will they be? We’ll be living and breathing with the spirits; it’s not possible!” And, he used to give me all the statistics of the dead people in this world:

“Say, the average population of the world was 2 billion (there were fewer people living before our time) and about 10 percent of them died each year. It would be 200,000,000 dead people each year. Now, multiply this number by 4.5 billion (it is estimated that our world is 4.5 billion years old). How many spirits would be there?”

However, I had argued with him that our earth is only one of the many planets in the universe, and I have read that if we can achieve deeper levels of awareness, we can feel the presence of the spirits everywhere.

Moreover, I have witnessed the presences of spirit right at my parent’s home and had told him some of my experience of a family member’s spirit visiting me that I still remember vividly…

PS: Dev is my husband’s middle name. Since this book consists of my family-stories from both sides, I didn’t want to use his formal name.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Why me, why us?

I like to believe that the world I’m living in is designed by the God. If it was designed by a human, it would have been perfect, because humans are greedy. We’re opportunistic and always go for the best.

God, on the other hand, is unlike humans. He/She loves us all, and treats us all the same way. His/Her main purpose of creating this world with all the living being is to keep this world go around-and-round, never stall or end ever!

In the process of creating the world, first God created the earth with beautiful meadows with grass and brooks. He/She landscaped the land with low-hills with trees and shrubs and high-mountains with snow and icecaps Then, God added ponds and rivers in the dropped a few species of fish and see-animals. God also added some dense forests in earth and created small and large animals and birds to wonder around.

God, then, created humans and programmed their minds each differently. To some He/She gave a good mind, capable of making the right decisions every time. To others God gave not-so-clever mind to keep these human in confusions. God also created a few humans with bad mind. These bad-minded-humans occasionally create problems in the land they live in. God thought the world would progress and regress this way, never go to any extreme. After creating all these, God checked his world and made sure it isn’t imperfect.

I was born in this imperfect world in which I can eat whatever I like and chose to do what I please. There’s no restriction to anything here and no shortage to anything one wants to ponder. I gave birth to my children here. They believe they also have choices to eat what they like and act how they please until they watch this video below:

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Meaning of Gracefulness

I keep reminding myself that I should spend rest of my life being graceful. But the word “graceful” carries some attributional problems. These attributes are related to the outward look (physical), which is not what I would like to talk about.

So, I decided to search on google and I found this:

“But being graceful and living with grace mean that you put that grace before these other emotions because grace is much more important. It means gracefully letting things go that are not meant for you. It means going beyond your inclinations of trying to get the upper hand or revenge on someone who hurt you.”

I really liked the "letting things go.." part, but rest of the presentation--such as the God’s
grace and the unpredictable “energy” of women are not the answers I was searching for!

Source: 14, 2016

Parfit's Persons

Philosophy is just some logical arguments. Some of these are more logical than others, but they're arguments never-the-less. Some of these arguments  supports some events in the past--already proven to be true--and some may turn out to be true later in time. 

The question: 

"What makes a person the same person over time?" 

And the answers:

"A person is the sum of his or her hopes, fears, and past memories; nothing else really matters--but try telling that to the pauper".

According to the source, they both fall in the same category.

Mind and Metaphysics
30-Second Philosophies