Sunday, 20 October 2019

Culture and Character

Build your character not your personality. Character strong on at least one ethical ground, “ethical” such as “s/he doesn’t lie” or “we can count on her/his words” or “s/he can keep secrets,” are built into your character. These personal traits help others understand who you are and how they should treat you.

These traits are instilled in us by our family and also by our close circle of friends. These traits are later reinforced by the society in which we live. We carry these personal traits with us wherever we go. 

We also carry some outward character traits to which I call "personality traits". Traits such as giving, kind or politeness help us make our living because our societies like them.  Although, our societies are fooled time and time again by the people who carry these traits (the deceivers), the only way to find out who they are is to deal with them and learn for the future.

Personality traits and Character traits sound like a person’s identity, but they’re not!

I see Cultures the same way: There are phony cultures and there are real ones. How do we know which one is which?

All cultures started with the “paganism”. Paganism is the oldest non-categorized, non-politicized and none manipulated religion in the world. This is the original  and most authentic religion in my opinion!

Pagan religion is based mainly on nature. Followers of paganism focus on nature and spirituality, not so much dogma and doctrines. 

Most literatures define paganism as “not one of the main religions,” because they only recognize events from the medieval period. But the human history didn’t start from the medieval period. Even with the “black hole” period, a lot had happen on the earth and some of them were recorded. Unfortunately, these records located outside of the Western world. Because of that the western literates rather ignore them!

Since religion is one of the major issues of cultural equation, I want to  establish a simple definition of religion before moving into what I want to say about a real culture and a phony ones. 

Most of the visual cultures posted on the FB are based on the phony religion which are based on certain gods/goddesses. These cultures are based on a lot of dogmas and doctrines.

But think about those personal traits for a minute. Do you like if somebody says something and does something else? Do you feel like going back to the person who deceives you not once but two or three times?

Similarly, why do my immigrant friends living with the “failed-culture” that you thought was not good for you? 

You left your birth country to start a brand new life in a “just” society where you and your family would make a better life. But if you build a society just like the one you left behind, what mission have you accomplished?

I termed failed culture because you youself have talked so much against your birth-country. You’ve said the people there being dishonest, family-values being broken up, politicians taking part in crimes and corruptions… 

Hypocrite maybe too strong word to call you, but how do I describe you if you've two standards: One for you and another for others to follow?  

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