As educated people, we should be able to express our views on Gods and Goddesses in the public the civilized way, without being intimidated or ridiculed. Often this is not the case. We're judged for our views the wrong way!
God's existence is hard to prove. Proving other way is equally hard, because normal people don't have the power to see God.
When I say God, I'm referring to the female God also. I use God synonymously for both Gods and Goddesses.
Gods and Goddesses are huge issues. I can't begin to explain about Them. Trying to find out what is written about Them is my first quest.
What I found in my search is that a lot of people are mixed up God with religion. They start talking about Bible, Q'ran, Gita, et cetera, when somebody asks them about God. Philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle have explained about mind, soul, and spirit stuff, but not specifically about God.
I also consulted the oldest and the youngest family members in my household. Both of them told me that God is created in our mind, out of fear and lack of knowledge.
So, I came to the same conclusion as I always have: God is who we conceive He/She is.
There is a book called Connected:The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How they shape Our Lives by Nicholas Chistakis and James Fowler. Their article, "Behaviours and moods tend to spread through a population on the model of a contagion" clearly explains the phenomena that it is our association, not the God or religion, that shapes our thinking.
My family is fortunate to have lived in Campus towns in Canada and in the USA. We've also travelled to a few countries and have met people with all faiths. Consistently, we've met good and bad people across all religions!
Function of God is to lead His disciples (believers) to the "righteous" path. Function of religion should be the same, since religions consist of "God's rule of laws". It is assumed that religious people are conscious of others' need, therefore, don't commit crime--out of the fair that their God would be upset with them.
So, even though the concept of God seems to have come from social and psychological factors, our societies are better off with God believers, than non-believers.