I like to believe that the world I’m living in is designed by the God. If it was designed by a human, it would have been perfect, because humans are greedy. We’re opportunistic and always go for the best.
God, on the other hand, is unlike humans. He/She loves us all, and treats us all the same way. His/Her main purpose of creating this world with all the living being is to keep this world go around-and-round, never stall or end ever!
In the process of creating the world, first God created the earth with beautiful meadows with grass and brooks. He/She landscaped the land with low-hills with trees and shrubs and high-mountains with snow and icecaps Then, God added ponds and rivers in the dropped a few species of fish and see-animals. God also added some dense forests in earth and created small and large animals and birds to wonder around.
God, then, created humans and programmed their minds each differently. To some He/She gave a good mind, capable of making the right decisions every time. To others God gave not-so-clever mind to keep these human in confusions. God also created a few humans with bad mind. These bad-minded-humans occasionally create problems in the land they live in. God thought the world would progress and regress this way, never go to any extreme. After creating all these, God checked his world and made sure it isn’t imperfect.
I was born in this imperfect world in which I can eat whatever I like and chose to do what I please. There’s no restriction to anything here and no shortage to anything one wants to ponder. I gave birth to my children here. They believe they also have choices to eat what they like and act how they please until they watch this video below: