Thursday, 11 November 2021

Vegetarianism--is it a trend or a healthy choice?

Vegetarian foods are getting momentum these days for reasons of health or compassion to animal. Whichever the case may be, I think it is a fabulous idea to live a meat-free life!

Nobody needs to depend on meat to get the protein our body needs in this age of "plentiful". There are plenty of natural foods in most all parts of the world to substitute what we get from meat. Nobody need to sacrifice on the taste, either. We just need to be patient and find the ingredients to get the taste we love.


Living on meat was okay when there wasn't much growing in the 'hunter-gather' era. Eating meat is okay even now when somebody is forced to eat meat for sustaining their life.

Raising animals/birds/fish for food is barbaric and cruel way to make a living. I felt like throwing up in a conversation with one of my colleague--when she brought up a few  money-making ideas some people in back home are exploring these days.  She told me that people have starting fish-farms, sheep-raising, etc. Then she elaborated how fast the fish grow and fill the pond. The fish are one on top of the other because there is no space for them to swim/live!

Similarly she told me how the sheep-farmers making money from the sheep-wool and meat... I just couldn't tolerate her ideas of making money from such cruel ways.

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